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Region 2 Expanded Learning Services

Region 2 Expanded Learning Services


Each year, Region 2 Expanded Learning Services, through the Butte County Office of Education, in addition to other events, holds three distinct professional development opportunities. You can find brief descriptions of each below and more detailed information by navigating to the respective event on the sidebar. 


Access our Region 2 Important Meetings and Events document! 


Region 2 Professional Learning Institute

An annual 2-day conference, typically held the first full week in August at the California State University, Chico focused on launching programs into the school year. The conference aims to build the capacity, knowledge, and skill sets of front line staff, site and area coordinators, and program directors. In addition, administrators (superintendents and assistant superintendents) are always welcome to attend the conference free of charge! The conference usually begins with a keynote address, followed by an annual recognition event and celebration lunch. Participants then have the opportunity to select from a variety of high-quality workshops for the remaining day and a half.  


Region 2 REMIX Conference

Our annual mid-year, full day conference. Typically held the end of January in Redding, CA, this conference aims to encourage staff and programs to finish the year well by investing in their continued professional development and furthering their existing skill set. Additionally, this is an opportune time for programs and staff to begin to plan towards their summer programming. The conference format varies between year to year, but is always intended to be high-quality, engaging, and worthy of staff's time.


Developing After School Leaders (D.A.S.L) Academy

Our annual leadership academy designed to deepen leadership knowledge and skills in order to help participants be more effective in their positions. The multi-day institute is intended for site coordinators/facilitators, area coordinators, new program directors and expanded learning leaders who want to enhance their effectiveness or assume greater responsibilities in their programs, organizations and/or districts.